In the fifth chapter of Galatians, Paul gives us a list of the fruits of the Spirit in verse 22. He lists love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Yesterday I talked about how one are of my new normals I hope to keep is patience. That would be nice to know that my normal would be filled with lots of patience.
I look at the other fruits and realize that if someone is full of these fruits, they are attractive to mankind, like a bee to honey. These are areas that I know the LORD would like to produce in us. I hope that in each of these nine fruits that there has been a positive change in me.
These fruits have a very positive influence on mankind. They are drawn to this way of doing life. When we see a story on the news that exhibits any of these, it brings a lot of hope and comfort. I wish that one day when I watch or read the national news that it would be only positive, uplifting stories. How different my attitude would be if that became a reality. Wouldn’t that be nice?
During this pandemic we, are ambassadors for Christ, show the world what it looks like to operate out of these fruits. The world is hungry for answers to the uncertainty that has been brought about by this pandemic. I know that in my personal life, when I was at my lowest point, the LORD put people in my life that were “different” from the world. They carried these fruits with them on a regular basis. They changed the atmosphere wherever they went. It made me want what they had.
For a season I can feel that the fruits of the Spirit are growing in me. I also see the world growing in these areas. Perhaps these are some of the key changes God is after. He uses times of tribulation to help grow these fruits of the Spirit. In fact they tend to grow faster during times of hardships. You will have very hard time growing these fruits on your own. The Holy Spirit is designed to do this. He is the Spirit of Truth. The one who can teach you all things. He brings the living water that can grow these fruits up. No different than a natural fruit needs water these Spiritual fruits need living water. We are foreigners in exile, living lives that the world can see. (1Peter 2:11-12) We are ambassadors for Christ. He is making his appeal through us (2 Corinthians 5:20).
Lord help me to be a difference maker for your Kingdom. Lord would the atmosphere change where ever I go. Lord during this time would I act different than the world. Lord increase in me these fruits. Would they be a change that last forever.