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Trip for a Lifetime: Day 16


Satan watches for an opportune time to attack and tempt. Luke 4:13

What would you say would be an opportune time for the enemy to attack you? I know that for me it is when I am physically and emotionally exhausted. When these times come, my focus begins to turn from Jesus my source of strength to my problems. When this happens, I began to feel sorry for myself. I begin to complain about my circumstances and look in the wrong places for relief.

The enemy carries the “D” words around like arrows in a quill. He can Destroy. He can cause a Detour. He will begin to Distract. He loves to Defeat. He ushers in Despair. His number one weapon is Deception. Finally, he wants to cause Death. Our enemy is very good at what he does. On a journey like we are on it’s very easy to become tired and give the enemy an opportune time to come in. That is why it is very important to guard our heart because everything we do flows out of it. (Proverbs. 4:23)

If we can stay focused and learn that in our times of weakness to call on the name of Jesus, we can draw up a standard against the enemy by the power of the name of Jesus. When He comes in, He brings the “R” words. He can Restore your strength. He can Repair what is broken. He can bring us to Repentance. He brings Relief into the situation. He can Repel the fiery darts. He can Redeem what was lost. He can ultimately Reproduce himself in you. We need to claim the scripture in the times we are most susceptible to the enemy’s tactics. We need to remember that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4)

Faith in our Heavenly Father’s ability to change what is happening, regardless of how we feel, is so important for us to hold on to. C.S. Lewis said that, "Faith is the act of holding on to the things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods." During this time, we who are calling ourselves Christian should hold fast to the knowledge that our future is not in our circumstances but in the hand of God Almighty.

Instead of Despair we claim Restoration.
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